Sunday, October 13, 2019

Review Essay on Amr Moussa :: Essays Papers

Review Essay on Amr Moussa Amr Moussa is quite possibly the most influential person in Egypt. Since his opinion is regarded higher among the public than the president, his beliefs play a large role in the Arab League of States. On behalf of his personal and business achievements, I give him respect where respect is due. Since it is vital that the U.S. does not attack Iraq, it is the opinion of Amr Moussa, and the United Arab League of States that any attack on any Arab country is simply not good politics. I personally respect the opinion of Amr Moussa because he is only looking out for the well-being of the Arab community that he represents so well. Amr Moussa’s tactics are not the standard of everyone else. His tactics are viewed as very aggressive and forward which may come across as being too assertive to the general public. In statements to the press he has stated, â€Å"an attack on Iraq will open the gates of hell in the Middle East.† (On-line Pravda, 2002; 1) I respect the fact that he is not afraid of being bullied around by, the publicly view powerhouse, America. He speaks the truth of what will occur as a result of any attack on Iraq. The fact remains that in spit of the ongoing talks in the Middles East, no war has resulted yet. If this remains in the same state th at they are in now, Middle East will survive without a war. If the U.S. does in fact attack, only negatives will come as a result. Amr Moussa has viewed that an attack on Iraq is an attack on every Arab country; even those supporting the U.S. in their potential attacks. His weapons are his words, and he is not afraid to speak loud enough for all to hear. In regards to most political leaders, not everyone is willing enough, or believes strong enough in their cause to risk damage to one self-image, country, or cause to speak loud enough for all to hear. I agree that attacking Iraq will only result in negatives all around the board. The U.S. will suffer in gaining oil from Middle East countries such as Saudi Arabia, which they have relied upon for so long in the past. If attacked, Iraq could and quite possible would respond back by attacking the U.

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