Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Cloning Essay: Cloneco: Life is Our Business -- Argumentative Persuasi

Cloneco: Life is Our Business    On July 5, 1996, Scottish Scientists shocked the world by creating the first successful clone of a sheep.   With the dawn of this new biotechnology, people have begun to question the ethical ramifications of applying this technology to humans.   Many believe that cloning humans is morally wrong.   As a stockholder in Cloneco, I support their use of this scientific discovery.   However, my position to profit from the use of cloning is not the reason that I believe that there is nothing morally wrong with the practice of cloning.    Once Cloneco and other cloning research facilities have performed sufficient research on cloning, the practice of cloning will have many health benefits.   Currently, there are many genetic diseases for which there are no cures.   These include sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer's disease.   Cloning technology could be used to find cures for these genetic diseases in addition to other non-genetic health problems such as heart disease, liver and kidney failure, leukemia and cancer.  Ã‚      Opponents of cloning argue that the technology will be used for the pursuit of unethical goals.   They believe that some people will use cloning as a means of becoming immortal by repeatedly cloning themselves or that people would try to replace others with clones.   Despite the fact that it is impossible to create a clone with the same memories as the original, research has proven that it is impossible to make an exact replica of a person even if the replica is physically identical to the original.   This is because the environment in which he is brought up largely affects a person's development.&... ....   This means that they can make the most knowledgeable decisions based on the immense amount of information that they have gathered through research and experience.   In addition, all Cloneco employees from administrative assistants to scientists undergo a rigorous selection process in which background checks comparable to those used by the government's alphabet soup agencies are made to ensure that they will make moral decisions and will not pursue personal interests while working for Cloneco.      Cloning will usher in a new era in human history as the traditional form of procreation that has stood constant for eras changes.   However, it is important to remember that the purpose of cloning is to create humans, not duplicates.   It is Cloneco's mission to ensure that cloning technology is used responsibly.   Their business is life.

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