Thursday, October 31, 2019

The use of free radicals in the treatment of disease Literature review

The use of free radicals in the treatment of disease - Literature review Example For example, they can react with other molecules (M1) and steal an electron from them. The reacting radical (R1.) transforms into a ground state molecule (M2) and the formation of a new radical takes place (R2.)(Scheme 1) ( Fieser and Fieser, 1966 ). Scheme 1: Typical reaction of radicals (Nesmeianov and Nesmeianov, 1970). The first type of free radicals is thermodynamically unstable particles. These are the molecular fragments similar in structure to CH3. ,C2H5. and their derivatives. Next, atoms with one unpaired atom also fall under the definition of radicals. For example, H. ,Na. ,Cl. . And the last group of radicals are the thermodynamically stable radicals. As an example of this group triarylmethyl (a) and semiquinones (b) can be put forward (Scheme 2). Stabilisation of the radical in these structures are realised through delocalisation of the unpaired electron. Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) can also be classified as radicals as they possess an unpaired electron. Odd electron of th e hydrogen atom is an s electron. In case of chlorine, or any carbon based radical it is a p radical. Scheme 2: Triarylmethyl and semiquinones based radicals (Nesmeianov and Nesmeianov, 1970). If the radical is stable then it usually does not participate in the reactions described on scheme 1. Such radicals cannot sustain chain reactions but can stop them. They have the ability to remove free radicals from the system and consequently serve as inhibitors of chain reactions. All the described particles are paramagnetic due to their uncompensated spin, what can be detected using magnetic balance (in case of stable particles) or electron paramagnetic resonance (if the concentration of the studied compound is too small or it is unstable) (Nesmeianov and Nesmeianov, 1970). Free radicals have the ability to damage cells. Respiration and the immune system reaction to the infection are the ways which lead to generation of free radicals in the body. Environment factors, such as food, pollutan ts and drugs that are used, also contribute to the formation of radicals. Once produced, radicals damage lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and other tissue macromolecules. They also have been proven to play a major role in aging and lead to a series of diseases, including cancer. The amount of free radicals in the body is regulated through the use of antioxidants which donate an electron, thereby transform a free radical into a stable molecule. A number of enzymes are able to act as antioxidants, including catalase, superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. The list of antioxidants can be continued by mentioning selenium, beta-carotene and both vitamins C and E (Brown, 1999; Huang, 2000). Because of the mentioned destructive properties of free radicals they can be used to treat cancer. A number of methods utilises free radicals. The method that has been used for decades is radiation therapy. The first case of using radiation therapy in the USA is dated 1896 when Emil Grubbe use d X-rays to treat cancer. The discovery of radium and polonium in the end of the nineteenth century gave radiotherapy a push for further advancement. In the mid-1900s radium was substituted by radioactive caesium and cobalt. Later, with the development of various forms of tomography it became possible for physicians to selectively target tumours. This led to fewer side effects and more effective treatment. Depending on the position of the radiation source there are three types of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Saudi arabia cultuer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Saudi arabia cultuer - Essay Example The government in Saudi Arabia is focusing on encouraging womens education, and putting controls and conditions that contribute to teach all the necessary matters in women’s life and the community things of these women (Al-Rasheed, 2010). There are two types of schools in the different levels of education; the first type is a private school, and the second type is a public school. There are also two systems to study at the university; the first system is full time study, and the second system is distance learning. 1. The aim of girls’ education is breeding true Muslim behavior to carry out its mission in life that assists girls in being successful housewives. This makes them to be an ideal wife and a good mother, and become prepared to do what fits to the innate as a teachers, nursing and doctors. . 2. The state manages girls education by providing the necessary resources as much as possible to accommodate all students that are able to study. It also gives students the opportunity to learn different types of education that are appropriate to the nature of women and cover the country needs. In Saudi Arabia, girl’s education has different challenges that are faced in the education movement. The educational process aimed at women has become a competitor to other countries in the world. According to the official statistics report, the number of girls schools exceeded the number of boys schools, while the numbers of girls’ students of public education were more than two million students in various stages of public education (Al-Rasheed, 2010). That figure is nearly close to the number of male student. The official statistics issued by the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia revealed that the number of parameters exceeded 250 thousand teachers in Saudi Arabia. This is an increase of 40 thousand teachers. This parameter is the number of male teachers in general education schools. These estimates shows that the rates of girls students was growing in

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Furniture Company Spark Furniture Marketing Essay

The Furniture Company Spark Furniture Marketing Essay Introduction This report is based on the furniture company Spark Furniture. This report helps us to assess the current strategy of our enterprise using internal and external analysis. External analysis of spark furniture will identify major factors affecting the industry in which it is operating and to relate its opportunities and capabilities. PESTEL, Michael Porters Five Forces framework and SWOT helps to examine the strategy of spark furniture. Company overview Spark furniture emerged by taking over a small enterprise dealing with furniture groups operating from couple of years. It went with a unique strategy of cost leadership. Its products are Bed, Sofa, Dining table, and Coffee table. It has the third highest market share in overall market segment. The company is well s and known for its lower unit cost and offers lower price than competitors. Strategy Strategic management is defined as The art and science of formulating, Implementing, and Evaluating cross functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve objectives. (Fred, 1999) The strategic position is concerned with the impact on strategy of the external environment, an organizations strategic capability (resources and competences) and the expectations and influence of stakeholders (Johnson et al., 2008). Strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an Organizations major goals, Policies, and action sequence into cohesive whole (Henry et al., 2003). Goals: States what is to be achieved and when results are to be accomplished, But they do not state how the result are to be achieved. Major goals those that effect the entitys overall direction and viability are called strategic goals (Henry et al., 2003). Policies: policies are rules that express the limit within which organization action should occur. These rules always take the form of contingent decisions for resolving conflicts among specific objective. (Henry et al., 2003) The strong strategic position is an indicator of high profitability and growth. The strategic position of Spark Furniture can be understood by carrying out different analysis on its external and internal environmental factors, and understanding its capabilities. External environmental analysis The different layers of environment that affect the market trends can be classified as macro-environment, Industry, competitors and markets. The analysis of these layers will give a better understanding of factors affecting the performance of Spark Furniture. (Refer Appendix A) PESTEL In analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might affect a number of essential variables that are likely to influence the organizations supply and demand levels and its costs. (Henry et al., 2003) The Pestle Analysis is used to analyze the factors prevailing in macro-environment which may or may not influence the business, but knowing them and understanding them will help in overcoming uncertainty. (Refer Appendix B) Political Factors: Government regulations like taxation, labor policy, and excise duties issues may be a threat, as these policies will change with the change in government. Recently increase in VAT by 20% led our sales to decrease we are trying to cut down prices and provide customers with their requirements with a reasonable and effective fair price keeping in mind both companies and customer interest. This would help Spark furniture to increase its sale. Recession also affected the companys market share. It reduced peoples earning and spending capacity. Environmental Factors: Furniture industry has a number of environmental impacts that are caused by humans. The emergence of environmental concern as one of the critical factors in strategic business planning indicates the growth of environmental movement in the market place (Menon et al., 1999). Spark furniture focuses on furniture reuse, Environmental disposal green transport and recycling the products which cannot be repaired. This becomes advantage to some extent as it is able to reach the people easily with eco-friendly sense. Social Factors: These refer to what is taking place socially in the markets in which it operate or expect to operate like cultural norms, Population growth rate, Age distribution, Global warming(Due to cutting down of trees). The changes in life style of the people and attitudes to work and leisure also persuade market share. Sometimes strikes affect the market share. In Spark furniture there was a transport strike as the labour union and the employers have not reached a new collective labour agreement. For this reason during 6th period only 70% of goods are delivered and during 7th period no goods are delivered because of which company has to suffer a share loss of -0.17%.(Refer Appendix C) Technical Factors: Change in trend throws a challenge in providing customers with latest trend in the market. But on the other hand this gives an opportunity to be a leader in the market if the trend is grabbed by using latest technology and brought it to customers. These factors can affect the cost, Quality and may lead to innovation. For example, development of online shopping is well established in the market and upgrading the manufacturing process will yield to high quality products. Economic Factors: Economic factors affect industries are Access to credit, Demand for goods, and Technological advancement. The main economic threat would be existing competitors in the market. Company had a loan of  £150,000.00. Interest rate may go up due to inflation in the market this could affect the supply chain due to shift in the cash flows. Spark furniture has successfully sold its entire inventory from last 6 periods at the cheapest price possible apart from its competitors. Legal factors: Spark furniture follows the rules and maintains the specific standards set by the law, so that there is no difference of interest. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. Also, as it is taken over an existing business, all the legal documentation must be verified thoroughly. Limitations of Pestle Analysis: As the external environment is changing constantly, PESTLE analysis should be done on the current market situations (Cambell et al., 2002). It is also essential to analyze the level to which PESTEL is applied. When considering companies such as Apple, Samsung, PepsiCo, Volvo and Disney it is important to consider that they have many different parts to their overall business they include many different divisions and in some cases many different brands. Porters five forces model Porters five forces is a framework for the industry analysis and business strategy development developed by Michael E. Porter in 1979. It draws upon economics of industries to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of a market. (Refer Appendix D) SWOT analysis An analysis of strengths weakness and opportunities threats has been drawn for Spark Furniture. (Refer Appendix E) SWOT analysis of Spark indicates where the company is good at and the areas of improvement. It helps as a planning tool to evaluate its strategic position and to relate it to its competitors (Basu, 2009). Stakeholder Mapping Stakeholder Map shows relationship of stakeholder individuals and groups to one another and finds out the role which each entity is playing. It also shows how an organisational environment must be navigated for successful implementation of change (Berkhout, 2002). Stakeholder Map of Spark Furniture is shown in Appendix F. Strategic group analysis Strategic groups are organisations within an industry with similar strategic characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on similar bases (Johnson et al., 2009). Strategic group analysis can be useful for the following: Understanding competition Deciding a Strategy In the Furniture sales world there exist many companies that try to be the market leaders by maximising their profits and expanding their market share. Spark Furniture is accompanied by other competitors like Leaf furnishing and Green furnishing. The identical strategies like cost leadership, differentiation, focus or stuck in the middle could be followed by these companies because most of the furniture companies deal in common products like the Bed, Sofa, Dining table and Coffee table. Entry of new competitors in the market increases the competition. Availability of more attractive and cheaper versions of products and services will always makes Spark Furniture to upgrade the technology which could increase the research cost. Down fall in the economy could result in the decrease of demand for furniture goods which could affect the overall demand and market share. Strategic capabilities According to Johnson Scholes (2009) strategic capability can be defined as the resources and competences of an organization needed for it to survive and prosper. These capabilities differ from organisation to organisation. Examples of capabilities are logistics, frugal systems etc. Having these capabilities differentiates them from others in achieving a better market share. Strategic capabilities are combination of Threshold resources, threshold competences, unique resources and core competences. Threshold resources: Threshold resources of Spark Furniture are its ability to provide a wide range of choices and offers to consumers at a low price than its competitors backed up by its product quality. Threshold competences: Threshold competences are the processes to be followed, to meet the requirements of customers. For Spark Furniture their aim is to provide products at an low price while keeping the standard quality. Unique resources: The unique resources are unique techniques that help in knowing the drivers of competitive advantage. The unique prices and exhibition of products by Spark Furniture help them to reach a wide range of customers like people who could not spare more money for shopping. Core competence: Core competence for Spark Furniture is its growth strategy of Cost Leadership which helps in offering unique attributes valued by customers for a low price, and perceived to be better than that of competitors. This allows the enterprise to achieve leadership in market and long term sustainability. Diagnosing strategic capability The strengths and weakness of organisation can be identified by analysing their strategic capability: Strengths: Spark offer benefits to valued customers. As a Furniture company, the unique marketing techniques backed up by the inbound and outbound logistics helps them to maintain the uninterrupted supply of products to the customers thus helps in providing qualitative services and products at affordable cost. Weaknesses: Targeting only a particular market segment of people by proving products at low prices could slow down the growth of the company from emerging markets. Evaluation of current strategies of Spark Furniture The strategy adopted by Spark Furniture is based on the generic strategies of Porter and that of Growth Strategy (Ansoff). That is the Cost Leadership and Market Penetration Strategies. The following analysis shows how the decisions undertaken affect the market share of Spark Furniture and its impact on its income and growth. (Refer appendix G) Cost Leadership: The strategy of Cost Leadership helps the way Spark Furniture operate as they tend to target to provide their customers with a good quality products at a very low price than its competitors which helps them to perceive better than their competitors. Market Penetration: This strategy of growth has been adopted by the company to introduce existing products in existing markets in an attempt to leverage the companys brand name. This could enable the company to create a broader customer base. The impact of the above decisions can be known by looking at the market share they are able to take part of the competitors market share and by finding new customers or by getting current customers to use more products. It is considered a low risk method to grow business. Strategic clock The model of strategic clock has been adapted from Cliff Bowman. Strategic clock shows the different positions in a given market where customers have various needs in terms of price (Johnson et al., 2009). By using this model we can study the competitive advantage of Spark Furniture. Bowmans strategy helps us to find out the companys competitive status by using some strategic options. These options are the No Frills, Low Price, Hybrid, Focus and differentiation. Of the various strategic options Spark Furniture had opted for Low Price that is where the company seeks to achieve a lower price than its competitors at the same time providing similar benefits and quality as their competitors. (Refer Appendix H) The reason for the company to adapt a strategy like Low Price is that it could target the people that are most interested in Low price products. As result of the above strategy the concept of Cost Leadership will also be achieved so that control over the price elasticity of the goods sold can be achieved. Competitive advantage The main competition for Spark Furniture is from Leaf Furnishing and Green Furnishing for the leadership in market share and growth. This is making the market segment competition more severe. As a result of the Cost Leadership strategy adopted by Spark Furniture, they are enjoying a healthy market share which is reflected in the rising growth of their market share considerably and as a result the inventory turnover is good and which in turn increased their income. (Refer Appendix I) Sustainability of spark furniture Sustainability of Spark furniture can be explained by analysing the key areas in its organisational growth. The main strategic decision of Cost Leadership helps the company to retain their own customer base which in turn helps in achieving a steady share in market for a long time. Its policy is to provide good quality goods at an affordable price due to its innovative price strategy. This helps the company to maintain its aim of providing products at lower prices than its competitors and thus increasing its brand value. The main costs that could occur for Spark could be, in its education level in order to build up its innovation areas to provide more quality products and still been able to maintain low price. It also needs to spend a bit on Human Resource areas in order to keeps its staff happy and retain their loyalty for a better future as the loyalty of employees is not looking great at the moment which could affect the quality.(Refer Appendix G) From customers perspective Spark Furniture could sustain in the future as long as it can give customers the quality products at a lower prices than its competitors and by doing so it can maintain its brand value and image which could help the company to grow more heights. The other factors that could threaten Spark Furniture sustainability like their slow growth in innovations which could bring down quality of products and thus affecting its market share and need to improve its HR area in order to be more affective in their customer service. Though the company is having a consistent income there is a need to increase its income growth by increasing the sales income of the income which at the moment is bit low. (Refer Appendix G) Conclusion By examining the strategies implemented by spark furniture it seems like they adopted a strategy which suits them. However, they need to be aware of the internal and external environment which changes continuously and the company needs to be ready to adopt a different kind of strategy that could be appropriate for the situation for retaining and increasing their market share. Works Cited Basu, R., 2009. Implementing Six Sigma and Lean: a practical guide to tools and techniques. 1st ed. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinenmann. Berkhout, M., 2002. Service support. Norwich: TSO. Cambell, D., Stonehouse, G. Houston, B., 2002. Business Strategy. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Edu-Finntrack, 2010. Edu-Finntrack. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 2011]. Fred, R.D., 1999. Strategic Managment. New jersey: Prentice Hall. Henry, M., Joseph, L., James, B.Q. Sumantra, G., 2003. The Strategy Process. New Jersey: fourth. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. Whington, R., 2009. Fundamentals of strategy. spain: Prentice Hall. Johnson, k., Scholes, k. Wittington, R., 2008. Exploring corporate strategy. Italy: Prentice Hall. ktnrchobby, 2011. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2011 March 15]., 2011. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 15 March 2011]. Menon, A., Chowdhury, J. Jankovich, J., 1999. Evolving paradigm for environmental senstivity in marketing programs : a syenthsis of theory and practice. Journal of marketing theory and practice, pp.1-15. Porter, M.E., 2008. The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy. Harvard Business Review.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tragedy In Things Fall Apart Essay -- essays research papers

Consider the Aristotelian tragedy. It has yet to go the way of Eddie Bauer. In Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe devised a tragic African hero in Okonkwo, consistent with the classic stipulations of the figure. Thus, the novel--to its greatest practicable extent—inherently existed as a tragedy on all levels to accommodate Okonkwo. To illustrate this, I will dissect and analyze the many factors that make Things Fall Apart an exemplary model of Greek tragedy by Aristotle’s own towering ideals.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First and foremost, the tragic hero must be of noble stature, occupying a high position within the community, innately embodying virtue and majesty. Okonkwo distinguished himself as an exceptional wrestler, defeating Amalinze the Cat—who had not been defeated in seven years—and winning thus a reputation as a â€Å"manly† figure. In his family compound, Okonkwo lives in a hut of his own, and each of his three wives lives in a hut of her own with her children. The prosperous compound also includes an enclosure with stacks of yams, sheds for goats and hens, and a â€Å"medicine house†, where Okonkwo keeps the symbols of his personal god and ancestral spirits and where he offers prayers for his and his family.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though the hero may be great, he may not be perfect. We must be able to identify with him, seeing him perhaps in others or ourselves. Having a notoriously short temper and an infamously wasteful father rendered Okonkwo imperfect, one wh...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Innovation and creativity in industry

InventionInvention is a new manner of making something or â€Å" new material that is made utile † . It may mention to increase or to hold radical alterations in thought, merchandises, procedures, or organisations. Many people to the scholarly literature on invention typically distinguish invention as thoughts applied successfully in pattern. Something new must be well different to be advanced, non an undistinguished alteration, e.g. , in the humanistic disciplines, economic sciences, concern and authorities policy. In economics the alteration must increase value, client value, or manufacturer value. The end of invention is positive alteration, to do person or something better. Innovation taking to increased productiveness is the cardinal beginning of increasing wealth in an economic system.Invention in administration contextIn the organisational context, invention is defined as public presentation and growing through betterments in efficiency, productiveness, quality, competi tory placement, market portion, etc. All organisations can introduce, including for illustration infirmaries, universities, and local authoritiess. Relevance of invention to industry:The debut of a new good — that is one with which consumers are non yet familiar — or of a new quality of a good.The debut of a new method of production, which need by no agencies be founded upon a find scientifically new, and can besides be in a new manner of managing a trade good commercially.The gap of a new market, that is a market into which the peculiar subdivision of industry of the state in inquiry has non antecedently entered, whether or non this market has existed before.The conquering of a new beginning of supply of natural stuffs or half-manufactured goods, once more irrespective of whether this beginning already exists or whether it has first to be created.The transporting out of the new organisation of any industry, like the creative activity of a monopoly place or the interrupting up of a monopoly place.Value of Innovation in Industry Goals of invention in IndustryImproved qualityExtension of the merchandise scopeReduced labor costsCreation of new marketsReduced stuffsImproved production proceduresReplacement of products/servicesReduced environmental harmConformity to ordinancesReduced energy ingestionFailure of invention in industryPoor LeadershipPoor CommunicationPoor EmpowermentPoor OrganizationPoor Knowledge ManagementMeasures of invention in industry There are two different types of steps for invention:The organisational degreeThe political degree.The organisational Degree:Organizational degree means to persons, team-level appraisals, private companies from the smallest to the largest. Measure of invention for every organisations can be conducted by studies, workshops, advisers or internal supervising, look intoing. There is no established general manner to mensurate organisational invention. Measuring invention have traditionally been by looking at outgo, for illustration, investing in R & A ; D ( Research and Development ) . 2 ) The political degree: A common industry position is that comparative cost-effectiveness research ( CER ) is a signifier of monetary value control which, by cut downing returns to industry, limits R & A ; D outgo, finally reduces our cost and leads to innovation in diminishing cost. By it the orgazation gets ready for future invention and compromises new merchandises entree to markets.Induced innovation- ground for motive:Induced invention was foremost proposed by Dr. J. R. Hicks in his work. He proposed that â€Å" a alteration in the comparative monetary values of the factors of production is itself a goad to innovation, and to innovation of a peculiar kind—directed to conserving the usage of a factor which has become comparatively expensive. † This works as motive in the sense that if rewards are increased decidedly the employees will work hard and more motive will be at that place. Costss ( whether direct or indirect ) has ever been a motive for a more rapid betterment in energy efficiency of goods than would usually happen.Invention system in OrganizationsThe construct of the invention system stresses that the flow of engineering and information among people, endeavors and establishments is cardinal to an advanced procedure. Every administration should hold a good and effectual direction information system in order to be extremely advanced. It creates interaction between the employees who are needed in order to turn an thought into a procedure, merchandise or service on the market and therefore gain money.Open inventionOpen invention is that houses can and should utilize external thoughts every bit good as internal thoughts, and internal and external waies to market, as the houses look to progress their engineering by Bazaar theoretical account. The barriers between a house and its environment have become less now a yearss, so inventions can now be easy transf erred inward and outward.So, this is all about invention in industry.CreativityCreativity is a mental and societal procedure affecting the find of new thoughts or constructs, or new associations of the originative head between bing thoughts or constructs. Creativity is pumped by the procedure of either witting or unconscious penetration. An alternate construct of creativity is that it is merely the act of doing something new or showing something old in a new mode.Difference between creativeness and inventionIt is frequently seen as job that people are non cognizant of exact significances of these two. So it is better to understand them in their right context.Creativity is typically used to mention to the act of bring forthing new thoughts, attacks or actions, while invention is the procedure of both bring forthing and using such originative thoughts in some specific context.In the context of an organisation, the term invention is frequently used to state the full procedure by which an organisation generates originative, new thoughts and converts them into existent life merchandises or services that are utile and feasible in concern patterns, while the term creativeness is reserved to use specifically to the coevals of new thoughts by persons or by groups, as a necessary measure within the invention procedure.Creativity and its affect on workThree forms by and large exist between that affect creativeness at work:Positive ( or negative ) temper, or alteration in temper, predictably precedes creativeness ;Creativity predictably precedes temperWhether affect and creativeness occur at the same time.It was found that these non merely affect procedure of creativeness, but originative results are besides affected by it every bit good. The experience of creativeness is itself a work event, and like other events in the organisational context, it could arouse emotion. Qualitative research and anecdotal histories of originative accomplishment in the humanistic disciplines and scientific disciplines suggest that originative penetration is frequently followed by feelings of elation. For illustration, Albert Einstein called his 1907 general theory of relativity â€Å"the happiest idea of my life.† Empirical grounds on this affair is still really probationary.Measuring creativeness1 ) Creativity quotientSeveral efforts have been made to develop a creativeness quotient of an single similar to the Intelligence quotient ( IQ ) , nevertheless these have been of great value. [ Most steps of creativeness are dependent on the personal judgement of the tester, so a standardised step it is hard to develop.2 ) Social-personality attackSome research workers have taken a social-personality attack for mensurating creativeness. In these surveies, personality traits such as independency of judgement, assurance, attractive force to complexness, aesthetic orientation and risk-taking are used as steps of the creativeness of persons Other research workers have rela ted creativeness to the trait, openness to see.3 ) Creativity ProfilesCreativity comes in different signifiers. There is sort to bring forth growing, invention, velocity, etc. There are four â€Å"Creativity Profiles† that can assist accomplish such ends.Incubate ( Long-term Development )Imagine ( Breakthrough Ideas )Improve ( Incremental Adjustments )Invest ( Short-run GoalsCreativity in diverse civilizations Now a yearss it is really hard to pull off in diversed work civilization. So, creativeness is needed at most of the degrees now a yearss in order to work out this job.Creativity in organisationsExpertise ( proficient, procedural & A ; rational cognition ) , Creative thought accomplishments ( how flexibly and imaginatively people approach jobs ) , and Motivation ( particularly intrinsic motive ) .Economic positions of creativenessIn the early twentieth century, Joseph Schumpeter introduced the economic theory of originative devastation, to depict the manner in which old ways of making things have been replaced by the new. Creativity is besides seen by economic experts as an of import component in the recombination of different elements to bring forth new engineerings and merchandises and services and, therefore leads to economic growing. Creativity leads to capital ( touchable or intangible assets ) , and originative merchandises are protected by rational belongings Torahs. The originative category is seen to be an of import driver of modern states. 3 T ‘s of economic development that are related with organisation ‘s creativeness: Technology, Talent and Tolerance † besides have high concentrations of originative professionals and tend to hold a higher degree of economic development.Creative job work outing in industry:Creative job resolution is the mental procedure of work outing a job. It is a particular signifier of job resolution in which the solution is independently created instead than solved by looking at old consequences of same job. Creative job work outing system ever involves creativeness. However, creativeness frequently does non affect originative job resolution, particularly in Fieldss such as music, poesy, and art. Creativity requires newness, updated cognition, as a feature of what is created, but creativeness does non needfully hold value ( that it will be good for society ) or is appreciated by other people. So, this is all about creativeness and Innovation in Industry.Consequence and Interpretation:From this study I have learned the value of invention and creativeness from industry position that how it affects every concern whether large or little. By analyzing this & A ; recognizing its value in client satisfaction I will seek to implement it in my concern besides.Decision:Creativity & A ; invention are of great value in every industry today. They are the impulsive forces of every concern now yearss and besides acts as competitory advantage. Bing the concern disposal pupils we should understand their value and seek to be originative and advanced.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Causes for the french revolution Essay

There were many causes for the French Revolution, which started in 1789. However there were three main causes that affected the decision to have a revolution the most which were the weak economy, a bad harvest, and King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. These were the main reasons that lead to the French Revolution because these events were the ones that affected France the most during 1789. The weak economy was one of the causes of the French Revolution because at that time France was in debt. France was in debt due to helping the colonist become independent from Britain in the American Revolution. For example, in The French Revolution Begins reading it states â€Å"And he borrowed heavily in order to help the American revolutionaries in their war against Great Britain, France’s chief rival. † This is one of the reasons that started the French Revolution because due to being in debt King Louis XVI’s solution was to raise the taxes on the nobles. This was surprised the 2nd estate which consist of the nobles because they paid the least taxes of the 3 estates. Due to this action the 2nd estate called a meeting called the Estates General. In these types of meetings each estate would usually only get one vote but due to the fact that it would be unfair to the 3rd estate. So for this reason every person who was at the Estates General would be granted a vote. The Estates General was to basically approve the new tax. This meeting then caused the National Assembly, which was what the third estate was now called. The third estate pledged a tennis court oath that stated that they wouldn’t leave until a new constitution was made. They drafted a new constitution, which now made France a constitutional monarchy. In conclusion, this is how being in depth was one of the reasons that started the French Revolution. Another cause for the French revolution was the bad harvest in the 1780’s. This was one of the causes for the French revolution because people could grow their food or grain, which is the ingredient to make bread. â€Å"The price of bread doubled in 1789, and many people faced starvation† (French Revolution Begins). In my opinion, I believe that this is one of the reasons to start the revolution because the people back then were poor. They were poor due to the reason that most of their money went to taxes so, if their money went to taxes and they barley had enough to pay for how much the bread used to be hoe are they expected to pay for bread when the price is doubled. I also believe that this is inequitable due to the fact that it isn’t their fault that there was bad weather I believe that the king was just trying to get money. Doubling the bread price made people not have enough money and many people died because of starvation. In conclusion, this is how a bad harvest was another one of the major causes to the French Revolution. The last main cause to the French Revolution had to do with King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. This I believe was the main reason for the French Revolution because the king and his wife were spending money on unnecessary things. For example â€Å"†¦she spent so much money on gowns, jewels, gambling, and gifts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (The French Revolution Begins). Based on this evidence we could see how the money was being misused and how the queen didn’t even care about the situation happening with the people. Another example showing how Antoinette was a bad queen was â€Å"One year she lost the equivalent of $1. 5 million gambling in card games† (The French Revolution Begins). This example shows us how the queen spent money and when it came to help people put they were in depth. An example of how King Louis XVI was being a bad king was â€Å"However he lacked the ability to make decisions† (The French Revolution). In my opinion I believe that this is how King Louis XVI was a cause to the French Revolution because this quote shows how he did not know what was right for the people and did not know how to deal with all of the things that were going on in France like people wanting a revolution. This was a good thing for France because they saw that the King could not make any good decisions so they saw that it was a good idea to overthrow the monarchy and become a limited monarchy. In conclusion there were many things that lead to the French Revolution but only 3 things were the main causes. The 3 main causes were the fact that the French were in depth due to the American Revolution. The fact that there was a bad harvest in the 1780’s. Lastly the fact that King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were spending money in a useless way and that they were making bad decisions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Federal Republic of Central America (1823-1840)

The Federal Republic of Central America (1823-1840) The United Provinces of Central America (also known as the Federal Republic of Central America, or Repà ºblica Federal de Centroamà ©rica) was a short-lived nation comprised of the present-day countries of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The nation, which was founded in 1823, was led by Honduran liberal Francisco Morazn. The republic was doomed from the start, as infighting between liberals and conservatives was constant and proved insurmountable. In 1840, Morazn was defeated and the Republic broke into the nations that form Central America today. Central America in the Spanish Colonial Era In Spain’s mighty New World Empire, Central America was but a remote outpost, largely ignored by the colonial authorities. It was part of the Kingdom of New Spain (Mexico) and later controlled by the Captaincy-General of Guatemala. It did not have mineral wealth like Peru or Mexico, and the natives (mostly descendants of the Maya) proved to be fierce warriors, difficult to conquer, enslave and control. When the independence movement broke out all through the Americas, Central America only had a population of about one million, mostly in Guatemala. Independence In the years between 1810 and 1825, different sections of the Spanish Empire in the Americas declared their independence, and leaders like Simà ³n Bolà ­var and Josà © de San Martà ­n fought many battles against Spanish loyalist and royal forces. Spain, struggling at home, could not afford to send armies to put down every rebellion and focused on Peru and Mexico, the most valuable colonies. Thus, when Central America declared itself independent on September 15, 1821, Spain did not send troops and loyalist leaders in the colony simply made the best deals they could with the revolutionaries. Mexico 1821-1823 Mexico’s War of Independence had begun in 1810 and by 1821 the rebels had signed a treaty with Spain which ended hostilities and forced Spain to recognize it as a sovereign nation. Agustà ­n de Iturbide, a Spanish military leader who had switched sides to fight for the creoles, set himself up in Mexico City as Emperor. Central America declared independence shortly after the end of the Mexican War of Independence and accepted an offer to join Mexico. Many Central Americans chafed at Mexican rule, and there were several battles between Mexican forces and Central American patriots. In 1823, Iturbide’s Empire dissolved and he left for exile in Italy and England. The chaotic situation that followed in Mexico led Central America to strike out on its own. Establishment of the Republic In July 1823, a Congress was called in Guatemala City which formally declared the establishment of the United Provinces of Central America. The founders were idealistic creoles, who believed that Central America had a great future because it was an important trade route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A federal president would govern from Guatemala City (the largest in the new republic) and local governors would rule in each of the five states. Voting rights were extended to rich European creoles; the Catholic Church was established in a position of power. Slaves were emancipated and slavery outlawed, although in reality little changed for the millions of impoverished Indians who still lived lives of virtual slavery. Liberals Versus Conservatives From the beginning, the Republic was plagued by bitter fighting between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives wanted limited voting rights, a prominent role for the Catholic Church and a powerful central government. The liberals wanted church and state separate and a weaker central government with more freedom for the states. The conflict repeatedly led to violence as whichever faction not in power tried to seize control. The new republic was ruled for two years by a series of triumvirates, with various military and political leaders taking turns in an ever-changing game of executive musical chairs. Reign of Josà © Manuel Arce In 1825, Josà © Manuel Arce, a young military leader born in El Salvador, was elected President. He had come to fame during the brief time that Central America had been ruled by the Iturbide’s Mexico, leading an ill-fated rebellion against the Mexican ruler. His patriotism thus established beyond a doubt, he was a logical choice as the first president. Nominally a liberal, he nevertheless managed to offend both factions and Civil War broke out in 1826. Francisco Morazn Rival bands were fighting each other in the highlands and jungles during the years 1826 to 1829 while the ever-weakening Arce tried to re-establish control. In 1829 the liberals (who had by then disowned Arce) were victorious and occupied Guatemala City. Arce fled to Mexico. The liberals elected Francisco Morazn, a dignified Honduran General still in his thirties. He had led the liberal armies against Arce and had a wide base of support. Liberals were optimistic about their new leader. Liberal Rule in Central America The jubilant liberals, led by Morazn, quickly enacted their agenda. The Catholic Church was unceremoniously removed from any influence or role in government, including education and marriage, which became a secular contract. He also abolished government-aided tithing for the Church, forcing them to collect their own money. The conservatives, mostly wealthy landowners, were scandalized. The clergy incited revolts among the indigenous groups and the rural poor and mini-rebellions broke out all over Central America. Still, Morazn was firmly in control and proved himself repeatedly as a skilled general. A Battle of Attrition The conservatives began wearing the liberals down, however. Repeated flare-ups all over Central America forced Morazn to move the capital from Guatemala City to the more centrally located San Salvador in 1834. In 1837, there was a fierce outbreak of cholera: the clergy managed to convince many of the uneducated poor that it was divine retaliation against the liberals. Even the provinces were the scene of bitter rivalries: in Nicaragua, the two largest cities were liberal Leà ³n and conservative Granada, and the two occasionally took up arms against one another. Morazn saw his position weaken as the 1830’s wore on. Rafael Carrera In late 1837 there appeared a new player on the scene: Guatemalan Rafael Carrera. Although he was a brutish, illiterate pig farmer, he was nevertheless a charismatic leader, dedicated conservative and devout Catholic. He quickly rallied the Catholic peasants to his side and was one of the first to gain strong support among the indigenous population. He became a serious challenger to Morazn almost immediately as his horde of peasants, armed with flintlocks, machetes and clubs, advanced on Guatemala City. A Losing Battle Morazn was a skilled soldier, but his army was small and he had little long-term chance against Carrera’s peasant hordes, untrained and poorly armed as they were. Morazn’s conservative enemies seized the opportunity presented by Carrera’s uprising to start their own, and soon Morazn was fighting several outbreaks at once, the most serious of which was Carrera’s continued march to Guatemala City. Morazn skillfully defeated a larger force at the Battle of San Pedro Perulapn in 1839, but by then he only effectively ruled El Salvador, Costa Rica and isolated pockets of loyalists. End of the Republic Beset on all sides, the Republic of Central America fell apart. The first to officially secede was Nicaragua, on November 5, 1838. Honduras and Costa Rica followed shortly thereafter. In Guatemala, Carrera set himself up as dictator and ruled until his death in 1865. Morazn fled to exile in Colombia in 1840 and the collapse of the republic was complete. Attempts to Rebuild the Republic Morazn never gave up on his vision and returned to Costa Rica in 1842 to re-unify Central America. He was quickly captured and executed, however, effectively ending any realistic chance anyone had of bringing the nations together again. His final words, addressed to his friend General Villaseà ±or (who was also to be executed) were: â€Å"Dear friend, posterity will do us justice.† Morazn was right: posterity has been kind to him. Over the years, many have tried and failed to revive Morazn’s dream. Much like Simà ³n Bolà ­var, his name is invoked any time someone proposes a new union: it’s a little ironic, considering how poorly his fellow Central Americans treated him during his lifetime. No one has ever had any success in uniting the nations, however. Legacy of the Central American Republic It is unfortunate for the people of Central America that Morazn and his dream were so soundly defeated by smaller thinkers such as Carrera. Since the republic fractured, the five nations have been repeatedly victimized by foreign powers such as the United States and England who have used force to advance their own economic interests in the region. Weak and isolated, the nations of Central America have had little choice but to allow these larger, more powerful nations to bully them around: one example is Great Britain’s meddling in British Honduras (now Belize) and the Mosquito Coast of Nicaragua. Although much of the blame must rest with these imperialistic foreign powers, we must not forget that Central America has traditionally been its own worst enemy. The small nations have a long and bloody history of bickering, warring, skirmishing and interfering in one another’s business, occasionally even in the name of â€Å"reunification.† The history of the region has been marked by violence, repression, injustice, racism and terror. Granted, larger nations such as Colombia have also suffered from the same ills, but they have been particularly acute in Central America. Of the five, only Costa Rica has managed to distance itself somewhat from the â€Å"Banana Republic† image of a violent backwater. Sources: Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962. Foster, Lynn V. New York: Checkmark Books, 2007.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Road Runner essays

Road Runner essays The Road Runner, whose scientific name is Geococcyx Californianus, is only found in the deserts. It is also called the Chaparral Cock. The Road Runner is a large, black-and- white ground bird. It has strong feet, a long white tipped tail, and an over sized bill. The road runners length is twenty- twenty-four inches, and its height is ten- twelve inches. The tail of the Road Runner is long and is carried in an upward angle. The Road Runner has long stout legs. It also has a series of six- eight low, dovelike coos. The Road Runner can walk or run up to seventeen miles per hour. Due to its quickness a Road Runner is one of the few animals that prey on rattlesnakes. It also feeds on insects, scorpions, lizards, snakes, rodents, and other birds. Ten percent of the Road Runners diet on the winter is made up of plants, due to the scarcity of desert animals at that time of year. The Road Runner is suited to its desert environment, due to its adaptations for the desert life. Some adaptations include its carnivorous habits that offer it a large supply of very moist food. Also that it reabsorbs water from its feces before excretion. Another adaptation that the Road Runner has is, that it reduces its activity fifty percent during the heat of the midday. The Road Runner, also has the advantage of its quickness, for snatching food in the desert. Road Runners breeding period occurs in the spring. The Road Runners build a nest using small sticks. The female then lays two- twelve white eggs over a period of three days. The first to hatch often crowds out the late arriving runts, which are sometimes eaten by their parents. Usually only three of four are finally fledged from the nest. They stay with their parents for about two more weeks, before entering the desert on their own. The Road Runners life span is about seven or eight years. ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Come to Pass

Come to Pass Come to Pass Come to Pass By Maeve Maddox A common English idiom is â€Å"come to pass†: to come to pass: to happen, take place in the course of events, come about, occur, be fulfilled. Here are some correct uses of the expression: all things, good and bad, come to pass. It shall come to pass. Don’t give up on your God-given dreams. it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Lately, I’ve noticed an odd distortion of this idiom into â€Å"goes to pass†: Love remember who comes 1st in your life, everything goes to pass, but Gods spirit will always surround usAmen! Most of the time, the first thought that comes is of that everything goes to pass, if everything goes to pass, we will eventually be merging with 3SA. I have done as much as I can to make sure people dont get evicted from our ceremony venue, and that everything goes to pass without riots. These examples come from forums, inspirational blogs, and blog commentscontexts in which nonstandard English is well-represented. However, I found an example of a similar distortion on a page that has the Quaker Oats logo at the top. This one uses â€Å"goes to pass† as if it meant simply â€Å"pass,† or â€Å"come to an end.† The writer may have been thinking of the expression, â€Å"fads/fashions come and go†: Like most people Im sure youve struggled with maintaining your weight and eventually the latest craze and health trend goes to pass without much success. ESL learners need to be aware that â€Å"goes to pass†in any contextis not standard English. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictWhat is Dative Case?Words Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Language & Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Language & Culture - Essay Example As the essay stresses language diversity has always existed in America. It has never declared any national language in the last 200 years. Until two decades ago, Americans did not have to provide bilingual ballots, education, publications, and similar services at public expense. To manage diversity many nations had to declare an official language but America did not have to. In the 19th century state laws, constitution and legislative proceedings appeared in languages as diverse as Welsh, Norwegian, Czech, Spanish, French, and German. America has migrants from many countries of the world. Three US States are officially bilingual. Louisiana has English and French, New Mexico (English and Spanish), and Hawaii (English and Hawaiian). This discussion declares that it is impossible to generalize the meaning of an official language. If a small country like Iceland declares an official language it is workable but it is not practical for a country like Canada. Recently the colony of Puerto Rico ended its official bilingualism in favor of Spanish as its sole official language. Japan is not adopting English as the second official language and it fears that it would lose its leading position in the world. It fears losing its culture if English is added as the second official language. Canada is officially bilingual under the Official Languages Act and the Constitution of Canada that require the federal government to deliver services in both official languages, namely English and French. Approximately 25% of Canadians speak French.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Search warrents Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Search warrents - Research Paper Example However, the warrant need not specify the manner in which the search shall be conducted. The law indicates vital processes and investigation methods which the officer must have at the back of his or her mind if a successful criminal investigation is needed. The officer must obtain clear definitional issues along with the identification and evaluation of the types and sources of information required in criminal investigations (Rotenberg, 2002). The criminal justice processes in the real sense do vary from state to state. However, the general rules and procedures for criminal justice develop in the following stages: Investigation: A person, for instance, who has seen contraband products ferried across the borders and kept in a specific building, may call law enforcement officers in order to report the crime. An investigation shall therefore be launched based on the witness’s complaint. Search warrant: If the investigating officers believe that there is evidence based on the witn ess’s claim, they may try to obtain a search warrant from the court allowing them to search the premises. The presiding judge shall review the information submitted by the police officer in the affidavit whether there is probable cause to support it (Rotenberg, 2002). ... If an officer has a probable cause to believe that the person in question has committed a crime, even if the crime was not committed in his or her presence, the officer may arrest the suspect. Indictment: Officers may decide to file criminal charges either before or immediately after arresting the suspect. In most cases, the criminal justice process will start by filling a complaint or information, and then followed by a rand jury proceedings resulting in an indictment or a preliminary hearing (Rotenberg, 2002). Arraignment: This is usually the presentation of the charges in an open court. This proceeding may be called preliminary hearing but depending on the state in question. During this time, the charges are read to the accused person by the judge and asked either to plead guilty or not guilty. Mostly, the accused lawyer may be present, or the lawyer appointed by the court to represent the defendant. The accused person often is asked to present a security called bail. Bail is put forth just to ensure that the accused person shows up for further criminal proceedings, which might include trial and sentence (Pitowsky, 2002). Mostly the bail is in the monetary nature, and can either be paid in cash, in the form of bail bond or as a pledge of property if at all the court allows this form of security. Requirement of a search warrant in United Kingdoms and USA Requirements of search warrant normally differ depending on the state. Take United Kingdom for example, search warrants are issued by the local magistrate and requires a constable to provide an evidence to support the warrant application. In many cases where the police officer has already held an accused in custody, searches of the premises can be made without warrant

Growth MatrixWestinghouse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Growth MatrixWestinghouse - Essay Example First, it is important for the company to consider its cost of products and services. A drastic reduction in prices of similar goods and services is sure to yield massive impact because of prevailing economic situation. It is common knowledge that economic hardship presently prevails in most economies where Westinghouse has offices. To this end, any move to make customers save little monies would be highly appreciated by them. Secondly, it is important to focus on customer satisfaction. The reason why this cannot be overlooked is that the competitive advantage that needs to be built will be built mainly to attract customers. If these customers are given services that make them satisfied then surely their first option among existing companies is going to be Westinghouse. Unlike market penetration, market development has to do with the creation of new market. This may be quite costly for Westinghouse as compared to the penetration of existing markets. However, this has its own merits. For instance after studying the prevailing market for a while, the creation of new market gives marketers the opportunity introduce new line of products that meet the demands of customers. The challenge however has to do with the cost of starting the business and market research analysis to identify new customers. On the introduction of new line of products and services, Westinghouse as a multi-purpose company may have greater advantage. It is important however to go about this with a common strategy that has to do with the integration of advanced technology. Looking at the fact that the line of products of Westinghouse has to do with electronics, the introduction of new line of products that integrate modern and advanced technology would score lots of points for the co mpany (Business Ball, 2012). For example it is common knowledge that the ordinary user of a tape recorder would today want a technological advancement that features the use of a USB port that will make

The EU has significantly contributed to improving the position of Essay

The EU has significantly contributed to improving the position of atypical workers - Essay Example In these years, there have emerged new forms of work with the changing corporate cultures and requirements of work. These forms include part time work, self employed work, temporary agency work, and others. The number of ‘atypical workers’ has been rising in recent years in the European Union. The broad class of an atypical worker in the EU includes workers on fixed term contracts, construction industry workers, agency workers etc. But unlike a ‘typical’, regular, full-time employee, these atypical workers are guaranteed fewer occupational rights and protection as dictated by the legislation1. This is so because they deviate considerably from the definition of ‘standard’ occupation and regular labour laws seldom apply to them (Broughton, 2010, p.2). But over the past decade, there have been legislations in order to protect the rights of these workers. For example, the Council Directive of December 1997 and June 1999, concerning the framework on part-time and fixed-time work respectively. In the EU, there have been many directions picked to regulate the atypical workers. One of the attempts made was to make sure that the workers and their type of work is not discriminated, thus a new legal concept was regulated which stated that the category of ‘employment’ set under the legal framework, and the subordination criteria not to be used as an instrument to discriminate between the workers of the organization. However, in 2005, the Commission’s Communication on the Social Agenda proposed the Green Paper which was to analyse the work patterns and the position of the labour law to enhance the development of the trends of work. The Green Paper was ‘Modernizing labour law to meet the challenges of the 21st century’ and it was presented in 2006. It subjected to the increase of the atypical contracts with the strong integration of women and older workers represented too2. Another direction taken by the EU on the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Psychological Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychological Research Report - Essay Example The number of items remembered was recorded down. The results from the data collected show that, external stimulus affect one’s memory performance with (P=.045). The human memory is severely affected by external distractions. Many will say that they make mistakes in a location with high noise. The amount of noise has much influence on the way the memory performs according to Douglas, et al. (2000). Distractions and in particular loud noise have varying affects on memory performance. Various studies have indicated that loud noise distractions have both positive and negative affect on memory performance depending on its frequency (Agnes, H 2004). Others have come with the conclusions that distractions have no effect on a memory’s performance. A larger number of studies involving tasks that primarily use short term memory has shown that exposure to loud noise significantly affect memory performance more (Baker et al. 1993). This is attributed to the fact that, distractions will act to avert the degree of concentration. To begin with, a study by Dwivedi’s (1988) proves that, loud noise distractions influence memory performance. In this experiment, students were required to memorize some English words as their teacher spelt them. The teacher repeated them for several times with a different music volumes playing and the number of those that a student could remember against the sound strength was recorded. Results indicated that high intensity noise was significantly detrimental in memory performance than low noise. In addition, Winkler, L et al. (1996) agreed with Dwivedi. They examined the effects of radio noise during class work where students were required to read and answer some simple questions with a radio on during class. The question was again administered to the same students with the radio on. On marking the question and comparing the two performances, it was evident to them that,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Activity Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Activity Evaluation - Essay Example mining whether the available resources in a program have been efficiently utilized towards the end of meeting the set goals/ objectives while also importantly helping the one undertaking the evaluation to enhance the program especially by learning from the successes and correcting any mistakes that may have occurred during the implementation process (one gets to understand what is working and what aspects need reconsidering). Evaluation, just like the planning of health education is a continuous process and not a one-off affair that warrants continued revisions and updates. My activity evaluation of the project embraced more of a multi-pronged approach where several various methods were utilized to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented regime. In my endeavors, I employed various evaluation instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and data comparisons pre-and-post-implementation, all in attempts of conducting thorough process evaluation, impact evaluation and outcome evaluation. I collected feedback from the community regarding the health education program that had been implemented and the financial aid measures enforced therewith. I used a prepared check-list to determine whether the activities were being conducted as planned for process evaluation. For impact evaluation, I researched on behavior variations that are taking place as a consequence of the implemented activities, and also sought to know whether level of knowledge regarding Alzheimer’s had improved over time. In this very vein also, I desired to know whether a favorable attitude had been developed from our implementation, if a required skill had been instilled and if a harmful belief had been vanquished. I encountered a few challenges regarding outcome evaluation as I felt it required a bit more time to fully assess and stake claim on long-term changes as a doing of the program implementation. I was also unfortunately unable to completely, in such a short time, state the

Psychological Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psychological Research Report - Essay Example The number of items remembered was recorded down. The results from the data collected show that, external stimulus affect one’s memory performance with (P=.045). The human memory is severely affected by external distractions. Many will say that they make mistakes in a location with high noise. The amount of noise has much influence on the way the memory performs according to Douglas, et al. (2000). Distractions and in particular loud noise have varying affects on memory performance. Various studies have indicated that loud noise distractions have both positive and negative affect on memory performance depending on its frequency (Agnes, H 2004). Others have come with the conclusions that distractions have no effect on a memory’s performance. A larger number of studies involving tasks that primarily use short term memory has shown that exposure to loud noise significantly affect memory performance more (Baker et al. 1993). This is attributed to the fact that, distractions will act to avert the degree of concentration. To begin with, a study by Dwivedi’s (1988) proves that, loud noise distractions influence memory performance. In this experiment, students were required to memorize some English words as their teacher spelt them. The teacher repeated them for several times with a different music volumes playing and the number of those that a student could remember against the sound strength was recorded. Results indicated that high intensity noise was significantly detrimental in memory performance than low noise. In addition, Winkler, L et al. (1996) agreed with Dwivedi. They examined the effects of radio noise during class work where students were required to read and answer some simple questions with a radio on during class. The question was again administered to the same students with the radio on. On marking the question and comparing the two performances, it was evident to them that,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

He Formation and Social Function of English Euphemisms Essay Example for Free

He Formation and Social Function of English Euphemisms Essay As an indispensable and natural part of English language, English euphemisms have existed for a long time.The appearance of everything, including euphemism, has its reasons.The emergence of English euphemisms has a close relation with language taboos and religion. Since English euphemisms play an important role in social communication, they worth careful and thorough study. This paper will mainly deal with the formation, classification and social function of English euphemisms. Introduction English euphemisms are almost employed in all fields of life such as in the field of daily life, in the field of education, in the field of law, in the field of politics, and in the field of commerce and industry. The function of English euphemisms is diversified. Besides evasion, English euphemisms now are also used for evasion, politeness, elegance. Formation ‘Euphemism’comes from the Greek ‘eu’ (good) and ‘phemism’ (speech) and thus means mans literally ‘to speak’ with good words or in a pleasant manner .Originally, offering sacrifices to gods, old Greeks used words of good omen, that is euphemisms as a rule. It is exemplified in the ancient Greek terms for the Furiesthe Eumenides or Erinyes. According to Neaman’s (1990)argument: Generally speaking, euphemizing is defined as substituting an inoffensive or pleasant term for a more explicit, offensive one, thereby veneering the truth by using kind words(P1). Euphemism is prevalent in human society, a linguistic phenomenon is the use of language is an important means of regulating interpersonal relationships, its use has an important social function.Such as interpersonal communication in the ceremonial functions, functions of deception to cover up the truth, and human Ironically function. Social function English euphemisms have great social significance and practical significance in purifying language, promoting human relation and embellishing professions to seek for the ideology of fair competition. As Liu Chunbao(1994)claims: Need is the mother of invention. The creation and formation of euphemisms is closely related to the needs of people, such as social communication, interest, reflection of values and mentality. Furthermore, these needs also give rise to their various social functions. In order to establish good social relation, people use euphemisms to make what they want to say more pleasant. So they become an important means in communication (P10). 1. For evasion Since death is inevitable, it has become the fear of all human being. In early time, people seldom mentioned death directly because they were superstitious about it. They believed that death was a devil that can hear human’s voice. So if you speak of it, it will appear. Thus, there were many euphemisms about the word â€Å"die† such as â€Å"breathe one’s last† and â€Å"join the majority†. 2 For politeness The Pursuit of beauty is the nature of human being. Beauty helps one feel confident while ugliness makes one have a sense of inferiority. So it is impolite even offensive to say someone is ugly directly. When people want to express someone is ugly, they usually say â€Å"He is plain looking† or â€Å"She is not pretty†, etc. With the improvement of living standard, more and more people have a weight problem. Various products of losing weight flood into the market for being too fat is not only a problem of appearance but also a problem of health. Obesity brings inconvenience as well as the risk of many diseases. Therefore, there are a lot of euphemisms about fatness like â€Å"plump†, â€Å"chubby† or â€Å"tubby†, etc. â€Å"Skinny† is another unpleasant word. No one likes to be described as â€Å"skinny†, but they will be really pleased when they hear others describe them as â€Å"slim† or â€Å"slender†. 3.For elegance Excrement is a disgusting topic in polite conversation. They are avoided by means of euphemisms. â€Å"Defecation† refers to one of the sickest elements in the world. When you go to see a doctor for a stomach upset, the doctor will ask you, â€Å"How is your bowel movement?† And if he wants to have a further examination, he will need a specimen of your manure. If someone rounds his thumb and index finger up to form the letter â€Å"C† with other fingers stretching out, he wants to go to W.C. There are other expressions having the same meaning, like â€Å"to sing a song†, â€Å"to see the moon†, â€Å"answer the nature’s call†, â€Å"do one’s business† or simply â€Å" Excuse me†. Conclusion: Based on the comparative study above made, euphemisms are more popular not only for the historical reasons, but also the needs of times. Lin Zhenyue(1994) notes: Euphemisms may be based on different cultures and histories, the psychological and linguistic patterns underlying their formation are the same. Psychologically, if not linguistically, meaning can be defined as the sum of our responses to a word or an object. Words themselves may be seen as responses to stimuli. After a word has been associated for a long period of time with the stimulus that provokes it, the word itself picks up aspects of the response elicited by the stimulus object(P59).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Indian Television Reality Programmes Kaun Banega Crorepati Media Essay

The Indian Television Reality Programmes Kaun Banega Crorepati Media Essay In India, reality shows hosted by celebrities have become salient execution strategy to make the show successful, where top Indian celebrities host different reality shows apart from endorsing several brands. This research paper has tried to find out the factors which affect people choice towards different reality show. Later by taking one very popular Indian reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati efforts have been made to understand that among two stalwarts of Indian celluloid world Amitabh Bachchan and Shahrukh Khan who is the better host of the show and why? Q score technique has been used to understand the same. Focus group discussion containing people from different demographic variable was conducted to understand the reason of variation in viewership of this show from 2000 to 2012.Further; this research can be treated as a base for celebrity selection for hosting a reality show or brand endorsement by producer/directors/marketers advertising agency. Introduction India is one country, which is known to idolize the stars of the celluloid world.  Therefore, it makes tremendous sense for a TV show/ reality show to engage a celebrity for its hosting. In India, there is an exponential potential for a celebrity hosted event to be perceived as genuinely relevant and entertaining, thereby motivating viewers to come for watching it. The impact of the celebrity on a viewer depends upon the likability of viewer regarding the celebrity. Some celebrities have a huge fan following thats why they are able to attract more people for their respective show/s, ultimately increasing the viewership of that TV show/ reality show. 21stcentury has witnessed the advent development of a lot of technologies. Due to the advent of technology, it becomes easier for people to take the advantage of the same. The role of television as a media is increasing day by day. These days we can see a lot of people opting for DTH, therefore, now we dont have to rely on the cable to see the programmes on television. Due to this the viewership of people has increased to a greater extent. There was a time when people enjoyed watching religious serials, educational programmes, movies songs which provided entertainment. However, the meaning of entertainment seems to have changed and now a day reality shows have become the flavor of small screen. The small screen has been flooded with reality shows, namely X Factor, Just Dance, Little Champs, MTV Roadies,  Emotional Atyachar, Ratan Ka Rishta,  Comedy  ka maha mukabala, MTV Stunt Mania, Kaun Banega Crorepati, etc. and the list goes on. Moreover, most of the reality shows have been hosted by one celebrity or other. The basic assumption behind celebrity hosting the reality show is that the value associated with the celebrity is transferred to the brand of the reality show and therefore helps to create an image that can be easily referred by viewer. Henceforth, by association of celebrity with the reality show can very quickly establish the credibility, get immediate recognition and improved viewership. However, there are so many risks associated with such celebrity hosts. The viewership could slide down drastically just as quickly as it moved up the viewers mind due to some problem in celebrity image, career graph etc. Literature Review (Khatri, July-Dec. 2006) has opined that the celebrity endorsement does not itself guarantee sales. It can create a buzz and make a consumer feel better about the product, which in turn has to come to expectation of customers as a real star by delivering the promise. (Ibrahim, 2010) observed that using celebrity where the measurable results of such high cost strategy do not justify the amount of money that companies spend on utilizing celebrities. The allocated budget for using celebrities needs to be reallocated in other marketing areas such as marketing research and marketing insights to understand customers needs in more details. (Datta, 2010) has concluded that there are lots of challenges involved in finding the right celebrity match with product or service. Further, he opined that for the success of celebrity endorsement right fit between celebrity and band endorsed is must. (S.K.Dube, 2011) has observed that in India now a day, the use of celebrity endorsement/advertising for companies has become a trend and a perceived as winning formula of corporate brand equity building and products/ services marketing. The use of celebrity for brand promotion is increasing day by day but it cannot be treated as an assured strategic tool to enhance market share, demand of the product or even profit because it mainly depends upon suitability of celebrity with a product and brand as well. (Kineta Hung, 2011) from a survey involving 1,030 respondents has found that consumer celebrity worship is a significant antecedent to endorser effects; over-endorsement by a celebrity is an important moderator; and this model is robust across field like sports and entertainment celebrities. (Gouranga, 2011) concluded that celebrity is an important factor of interest to generate more positioning of interest in the minds of consumers rather than message and background set up at the time of recall in advertisements. So celebrity acts as an effective component of advertisement to make the advertisements more effective. (Jayant Sonwalkar, 2011) observed that in a country like India, celebrities act as major opinion leaders and since awareness levels are low, celebrities play a major role in brand recall. Celebrities are helpful in initiating a desired state need among people. The respondents usually pay attention to those advertisements using celebrity icons. The study conducted by him also revealed that to some extent celebrities initiate an action to buy that product. (PiligrimienÄ-, 2011) has found that the sport celebrity can be used when its possible to find a link between the product and sport, or when the company wants its customers to relate the product with the sport, active and healthy life style. (Ogunsiji, 2012) has pointed out that Global brand endorsements demand a global brand management team. Thus regional and international organization is in place to maintain brand leadership through proper effective celebrity endorsements. So, companies with large brand portfolios need to have separate managers for each brand and its promotion. Aim and objective of the study: In this fast changing world, viewers preferences towards reality shows are increasing and they are finding these reality shows as a good source of entertainment. Most of the reality television programmes are getting good response due to their respective hosts. How much an effective a particular host is? Does the response of viewers vary due to change of celebrity host? Is the personality of the host is matching with the personality of television programme which is being hosted by respective celebrity? This study can help the sponsors and producers of programmes to choose an appropriate host for their reality show. Further, this study can help in enhancing the viewership of reality programme. Objectives of the study 1. To know the factors affecting consumer preference towards Indian reality shows 2. To study the reason of variation of viewership in program Kaun Banega Crorpati between year 2000 to 2011 3. To study the compatibility of host personality (Amitabh Bachchan Shahrukh Khan) with respect to Kaun Banega Crorpati Need of the Study Reality shows has become important part and parcel of the peoples life. Presently, we can see that Indian television channels are flooded with reality shows. Now, most of the channels which want more TRP are coming up with a new reality show. Competition in this field has also increased manifold. So, producers of the reality shows are looking to hire super stars for hosting their shows. Producers are spending millions of rupees on hosts. Different people have different perceptions regarding the celebrity hosts. Some people might enjoy seeing a particular host in a reality show, but some people do not like that host. Every celebrity has his/her own personality. A marketer needs to know that whether the hosts personality is matching to the personality of the program he is hosting or not? This research can help the marketer to know that what kind of host would be appropriate for his show. If the marketer can make the right choice in selecting the host for his programme, he can beat the competition and can achieve higher TRP for his/her reality programme. Scope of the Study: The scope of study is confined to Indian reality programs and data has been collected from people residing in Jalandhar and Phagwara region of Punjab. In this study, researchers have taken one of the most popular Indian reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati. This study has tried to find the factors which affect the viewers preference towards Indian reality shows. Further, researchers have tried to find the reason of variation in viewership of Kaun Banega Crorepati from 2000 to 2011. Research Design: In this study, by and large descriptive research design has been followed. Researchers have tried to discover the insights that how the host personality is affecting the viewers preferences towards the Indian reality shows. Survey method with the help of structured questionnaire has been used for the data collection and the data collected has been analysed quantitatively, which also qualifies that the research design of the study is descriptive in nature. Researchers have also tried to find out the various reasons of variation in viewership for this researchers have conducted one focus group discussion to find out the aforesaid objective. So, the research design is also exploratory in nature to some extent. Sampling Design Target Population: People residing in Jalandhar and Phagwara, who watch Indian reality show like Kaun Banega Crorepati Sampling Technique: In this research, Convenience sampling has been used. This is a type of Non Probabilistic sampling. As everyone dont watch reality programme like KBC, so only those people have been surveyed who watch these programmes. Sample Size and data collection: In this research, Sample size of 300 respondents from Jalandhar and Phagwara city of Punjab region has been collected. Researchers have used structured questionnaire for this purpose. In the questionnaire, five point Likert scale has been used to measure the attitude of respondents. Few dichotomous questions have also been used to understand respondents behavioral pattern. A focus group of 11 people consisting different age group and occupation was conducted to find out the reason of variation in viewership of KBC during 2000 to 2012. Secondary data has been collected from Internet, books, periodicals, magazines etc. Time period of Data: The data is collected in between the time frame of month January 2012 to June 2012 across Phagwara city and Jalandhar city and its suburbs. Pilot testing: Researchers have done pilot testing by using convenience sampling technique. A sample of 35 was taken for this purpose. A questionnaire containing Likert Scale was instrumented for this purpose. Reliability testing for the pilot survey was decent with Cronbachs Alpha 0.697. Some necessary changes as per requirement were made in the questionnaire after conducting pilot survey. Data Analysis: Demographic variables like Gender, Age, and Occupation etc. have been used for profiling the respondents. Along with it, profiling also has been done on the basis of variables like does respondent watch reality programmes on television, does respondent watch KBC etc. From literature survey, lots of variables have been found which affect the viewers preference towards Indian reality shows. Factor analysis has been used to identify the important factors out of several variables. Apart from this, a Focus group has been conducted to know the reason of variation in viewership of KBC from 2000 to 2012. Brief Summary of tools used for analysis: 1. Descriptive Statistics: For profiling of the respondents 2. Factor Analysis: To identify the important factors affecting viewers preference towards Indian reality Show 3. Q Score: To understand the host compatibility with popular show KBC 4. Focus Group: To understand the reason of variation in viewership of KBC from 2000 to 2012. Frequency Distribution Frequency distribution of the 300 respondents has been displayed who prefer to watch different reality shows. Chart I: Frequency distribution of most favourite television reality show Source: Researchers Survey Out of 300 respondents, 127 respondents has identified Kaun Banega Crorepati as their most favourite reality show on Indian television channels. Moreover, in response of another question, researchers have also found that all the 300 respondents were aware of Indian television reality show Kaun Banega Crorepati and they have watched it at least once. 2. Can you tell the names of celebrities who have hosted the show? Researchers provided different options of celebrities name for this question, in which again all the 300 respondents were able to answer this correctly. Respondents were able to identify both hosts of KBC Amitabh Bachhan and Shahrukh khan. 3. Who is the favourite host Amitabh Bachhan or Shahrukh khan for KBC. Chart II: Frequency chart of favourite host Source: Researchers survey Researchers have found out that out of 300 respondents 254 repondents have chosen Amitabh Bachchan as a favourite host only 46 respondents have chosen Shahrukh Khan as their favourite host. FACTOR ANALYSIS Factor analysis has been performed to know which are the important factors which affect respondents preference towards watching Indian reality show. Questionnaires were administered to a sample of 348 respondents, after scrutiny researchers have removed 48 questionnaires due to errors in response. The data based on Likert scale, which was meant for measuring respondents preference was entered into SPSS data sheet. Before applying Factor analysis Reliability test was performed and then data was subjected to Factor analysis by using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) method. KMO Value which determines the sample adequacy was found .816 which was highly satisfactory. Varimax rotation for orthogonal factors with Kaiser Normalization was considered to get the % of variance explained for 13 statements in the questionnaire. To find the relevant factors Eigen value of greater than 1 was considered. A table of Rotated Component Matrix has been generated with the help of SPSS and three factor s were derived. Here, Factor loading above 0.50 has been considered for Factor analysis. Then, the factors have been derived based on the statements that have gone into each factor. The list of factors along with the supporting statements has been displayed in Table I. Table I: KMO and Bartletts Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .816 Bartletts Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 1.322E3 Df 78 Sig. .000 Source: SPSS Output of Research Study Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test is applied to check out the adequacy of data. Here, it has been found more than 0.816, which is more than desired value of 0.5. Table II :Rotated Component Matrix Component 1 2 3 1.Influence of host personality .079 .070 .857 2.For the sake of knowledge -.034 .445 .662 3.Just for Enjoyment .326 .264 .331 4.Come on my favourite channel .786 .190 -.094 5.Because of peer influence .856 .208 -.032 6.Family Influence .816 .142 .135 7.Perfect timings .611 -.061 .467 8.Content of the show .054 .289 .629 9.Match with my personality .302 .529 .260 10.Like the way of portraying .359 .099 .070 11.For viewers questions .271 .709 .158 12.Challenge human capabilities .083 .854 .094 13.Platform for common people .150 .730 .243 Source: SPSS Output of Research Study Table III: Factor List Channel, peer family influence Competition and Connect with common people Host Knowledge Come on my favourite channel Match with my personality Influence of host personality Because of peer Influence For viewers questions For the sake of knowledge Family influence Challenge human capabilities Content of the show Perfect timings Platform for common people Source: Researchers Survey Description of the factors Factor 1, refers to, Channel peer and family influence and contributes to 33.978% variance. This factor is described in terms of Favorite channel, peer influence, family influence, and perfect timing of the show telecast. Factor 2, describes the Competition and Connect with common people contributes to 14.352% variance. This factor refers to Questions for viewers, challenge human capabilities, match with my personality and platform for common people. Factor 3, focuses on Knowledge and content and it contributes to 8.865% variance. This factor includes statements like influence of the host personality, for the sake of knowledge and content of the show Focus Group discussion to find out the reason of variation in viewership of KBC: To find out the reasons in variation of the viewership of reality show KBC, focus group was conducted. In focus group, 11 people from different age group and back ground were selected. Main finding of the focus group has been summarized below: It was observed during the discussion that, Change in the host of KBC from Amitabh Bachchan to Shahrukh Khan for Kaun Banega Crorepati has a great inverse impact on variation in viewership. During focus group participating people noted saying that Amitabh Bachchans personality matches with the personality of show. Most of the people felt that, Kaun Banega Crorpati is a kind of Quiz show where seriousness of the host, proper discipline and intellectuality of the host is required. These all qualities are possessed by Amitabh bachhan, which can be attributed to the success of Amitabh Bachchan as a host of KBC. A lots of other reality shows like Dus Ka Dum, Khatron Ke Khiladi etc. came on silver screen after the intial success of KBC, which also impacted the viewership of KBC. However, most of the Quiz show hosted by other super stars was similar in nature. Four participants of focus group discussion who were female observed that as KBC was coming on Sony television from 9 PM to 10 PM on week days, and a lot of family serials were also being telecasted on different television channels on same time slots. Here, these female participants felt that they preferred watching family serial rather than KBC. Five participants, who were doing jobs, found that KBC show used to come on working days and these people after coming exhausted from office looking for some light entertainment programmes, they were not interested in watching a show where they need to apply their mind. It was also observed that most of the participants were agreeing that voice quality, overall personality and matureness of Amitabh bachhan was very good which was lacking in Sahrukh khan as a host of KBC, however later was observed charming and informal. Q score Technique Applying the Q score technique to determine the familiarity, popularity and compatibility of two stalwart (Amitabh Bachhan and Shahrukh khan) among Indian celebrities as a host of KBC based on feedback from the respondent of different demographic backgrounds will be very useful and relevant for producers and directors in identifying and selecting the appropriate celebrity as a host of their respective reality shows. Q score to help choose the right celebrity host for reality show Q Score is normally used by marketing firms to select the right celebrity for endorsing their product/ services and determining the popularity ranking of the celebrities as per the consumers response. The Q score answers the question how appealing and popular is the celebrity among those who do know him or her? Advertisers and advertising agencies can refer to Q rating score of a celebrity for choosing the right celebrity. In this process, respondents are asked to indicate two things first Whether they know (heard / seen) about the selected celebrities? Secondly, if respondents answer yes- then the respondents are being asked to rate the celebrities on a five point Likert scale scale that includes Favourite, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor. Calculating Q ratings:- Q rating is calculated by taking the number of respondents who indicate in questionnaire that a celebrity is FAVOURITE and that number being divided by the number of respondents who indicate that they know (heard/ seen) of that Celebrity. Here, researchers have calculated Q score to check the compatibility of host personality (Amitabh Bachchan Shahrukh Khan) with respect to Kaun Banega Crorpati. Q scores for Amitabh Bachchan: A= How many people know Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC/ Total number of respondents Here, all 300 respondents were aware about Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC So A= 300/300 = 1 B= How many respondents rate Favourite/ total number of respondents As, 184 respondents answered favourite Amitabh Bachchan as a host for KBC So, B=184/300 Q Score = B/A= 184/300*100 = 61.3 Q scores for Shahrukh Khan: A= How many people know Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC/ Total number of respondents Here all 300 respondents were aware about Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC So A= 300/300 = 1 B= How many respondents rate Favourite/ total number of respondents As, 70 respondents answered favourite Shahrukh khan as a host for KBC So, B=70/300 Q Score = B/A= 70/300*100 = 23.3 Analysis: Based on survey researchers found that Amitabh Bachchan has a Q score of 61.3 Shahrukh Khan has a Q score of 23.3. Generally Q score more than 50 is considered good. This indicates that Amitabh Bachchan is a better host for Kaun Banega Crorepati rather than Shahrukh khan. Summary of research findings Compatibility of host personality with the reality show is one of the most important factor for the success of reality show. Apart from compatibility show timing, nature of show, content of the show also contributes towards success of the show. Factor analysis concluded that Channel peer and family, competition connect with common people and knowledge content are the important factors which affects viewers preference towards watching reality show. Through Focus group, it was found that as a host of KBC, overall personality and matureness of Amitabh Bachchan was very good which was lacking in Sahrukh khan as a host of KBC, however later was observed charming and informal. This is one of the main reasons of the success of Amitabh Bachhan as a KBC host. Based on focus group, researchers came to conclusion that the reasons of variation in viewership of KBC between 2000 to 2012 are timings of the show, change of host of show, coming up of new reality shows, the content of the show is same from last five seasons which has created a boredom, increase in the number of channels etc. Based on Q score analysis survey researchers found out that Amitabh Bachchan has a Q score of 61.3 Shahrukh Khan has a Q score of 23.3. This indicates that Amitabh Bachchan is more popular host for Kaun Banega Crorepati rather than Shahrukh khan as per respondents. Conclusion After conducting this research, it can be concluded that competition connect with common people, Channel, peer family influence and Knowledge content are three important factors which affect the viewers preferences towards Indian reality shows. Apart from the fact that KBC is being hosted by Amitabh Bachchan, reality show like KBC has become popular due to the reason that it is a platform for common people which also increases the knowledge of the audience. Researchers also concluded that the reasons of variation in viewership are primarily due to the timings of the show which was not appropriate since the show was earlier telecasted in a time slot of 9 PM-10 PM. Moreover, this time slot was also commonly used by many channels to telecast their best performing programme. People were in a habit of watching Amitabn Bchchan in the KBC as a host, but in the third season Shahrukh Khan came into picture and the TRP of the show fell drastically. Most of the people perceive Amitabh Bachch ans personality to best match with the show and change in the host personality resulted in sharp decline in viewership. Practical Implications This research will go a long way in helping the advertising agency, directors producers of reality show who can make this research a basis in selection of the right celebrity for endorsement and celebrity as host for reality shows. Moreover, this research shall also work as a reference for further academic research in this area. Limitation of the Research Although, this research has achieved its objectives, there are some unavoidable limitations. First, due to time constraints, small sample size of 300 has been chosen. However, for generalizing the results, larger sample could have been better. For Factor analysis, randomly chosen respondents would have been better choice but as population of area where research has been conducted is on larger side, so listing of the population becomes cumbersome task. In addition researchers have moderated and noted the finding of focus group discussion themselves, some amount of subjectivity cannot be ruled out. Future Research The scope of this research study may be further enhanced by incorporating different reality show in the research. This research can also be extended further for deciding celebrity for endorsement purpose.