Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Social and Racial Tension in 1920s America Essay

The roaring twenties was a decade of excitement. For the first time in many families’ lives, leisure times were extended thanks to the time saving inventions such as the vacuum cleaner, the refrigerator, and the washing machine. Another factor that made the 20s the best decade for many Americans was because of installment, also known as â€Å"buy now, pay later,† buying which allowed the middle class families to afford those products when needed and pay it off later. Clubs bustled with life, filled with the stench of alcohol, and the noise of tapping shoes as men and women danced their soles off their shoes. New thing occurred and made many Americans’ lives a paradise. However, there were few groups of people who didn’t view the same decade the†¦show more content†¦Although not all went to the extremes of the KKK using terror, beating, and even murder to fulfill their quest in purifying America, they however they did support it’s ideology i n many rural America. It has been estimated that, between the years 1920-27, the hands of the Klan members in the Southern states butchered 416 Blacks. Research indicates that most of the victims were innocent or were convicted of small offenses that certainly didn’t deserve such punishment. In the southern states, where the majority of the African American population resided, the notion of ‘white supremacy’ went unquestioned. Scarily enough, the KKK reached their hands into politics as well. In the state o f Indiana, the ‘Grand Wizard’, David Stephenson was politically powerful. It was also alleged that the Klan helped elect the governor of Maine, Colorado, and Louisiana in 1924. Moreover, on August 18th 1925 the Ku Klux Klan was able to parade down 40,000 men on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C without any intervention from state officials. Segregated facilities in government buildings remained unchanged since the first decade of the century , which showed the American government during the twenties was continually ignoring issues linked to ethnic minorities and the hostile attitudes of its people towards them. The act ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Radical Changes During the Roaring Twenties1033 Words   |  5 PagesThe Roaring Twenties was a period of intense tension towards the numerous barriers of tradition. Unlike the gradual fluctuations in modern day society which lead tension in its wake, the 1920’s was a bombardment of radical change ranging from societal norms to economic consumption. The end of World War I led to the end of idealism, and evolving values began to escalate towards the 1920’s. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Security Of A Home Network - 1352 Words

Technology Report Yu Lun Chou 1730799 MADS 6638 Computer Security Admin. George Thucydides 4/26/2016 Table of content Introduction Inventory Vulnerability Test Protection Support Incident Response Introduction Information play an essential role in everywhere. For a company, in order to run the company well, information management is a necessary skill, and leaking information, odds are , causes significant damage to the company. Even though a private network will not have as great damage as an organization, people like to keep their privacy. Therefore, the security of a home network is as important as the security of a company, and it is more universal. Hence this article will present how to built a†¦show more content†¦It provides for home, business, and school, and it provides free and payable products for different feature. According to the website Avast! Review - Top Antivirus Software, the free download version offers virus and malware detection, integrated password manager, and browser cleanup. In addition, Rubenking, a world-spanning purveyor of free antivirus protection, marks Avst high score in their independent lab tests and antiphishing test (2015). Different options for different feature with different price ↑ The feature list in different versions ↑ From the website About Adblock Plus, â€Å" Adblock Plus is a free extension that allows you to - among other things - block annoying ads, disable tracking and block domains known to spread malware†(2016). There are more illustration about the feature of Adblock Plus from the same website: allow acceptable ads, disable social media buttons, and typo protection (2016). Due to people experience the inconvenience while surfing the internet the ads pops out and the more important point the adware attack, using Adblock Plus is the appropriate choice. The Schematic diagram of Adblock Plus ↑ After installing Avast and Adblock Plus online, it shows in extensions ↑ Moreover, Avast and Adblock Plus are available from the internet and it is free. Therefore, people can reinstall these softwares anytime. Vulnerability Test According to the lecture Network Security Assessment(2007), in order to eliminate the risk of vulnerabilities,

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Photo Essay The Pardoner The Canterbury Tales Example For Students

Photo Essay The Pardoner The Canterbury Tales In the prologue, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is about the pilgrimage of many different characters to Canterbury. Chaucer writes about the characters personalities and their place on the social ladder. The Monk and the Parson are examples of how Chaucer covered the spectrum of personalities. The Monk is self-centered, while the Parson cares for the sick and poor. In The Canterbury Tales, the Monk acts like he is part of the upper class of society. He is very tan, he likes to hunt, and he has horses. All of these traits are symbols of wealth and prestige. His palfrey was as brown as is a berry. (P 120 line 211) This shows that the Monk spends a lot of time outside, only men who are wealthy can afford to relax or hunt outside. Hunters are not considered holy men because they kill for entertainment and pleasure. The common man spends his day working for what little wages he can earn. The Monk also had horses, which is another sign of wealth. This Monk was therefore a good man to horse; (p 120 line 193) Very few men in that period had enough time to learn and ride horses. All of these extravagancies are against the oath the Monk took for the Church. The Monk was also lazy and disliked working. Monks, in general, are hard working and are willing to help the less fortunate. The Monk also ignored the monastic rules set up by St. Benedict. The Rule of good St. Benet or St. MaurAs old and strict he tended to ignore;P 120, lines 177-178This shows that the Monk is interested in the pleasures of life, and not his duty as a monk. He is worthless in the eyes of Chaucer and he dislikes the Monk very much. The Parson was a poor man who gave what little he could to the other poor people of his town. He knew the teachings of the Bible and Christ, and preached to whoever was willing to listen. He followed the Bible in life and he believed that a priest must be trustworthy. He led by example for all of the other people in town by not having a rich life and still living happily. This noble example to his sheep he gave,And it was from the gospel he had caught it. (P 129 Lines 506-507)The Parson never looked for recognition or glory for his choice of lifestyle. He was very low key and was willing to help someone no matter what the weather conditions were. The Parson was very generous with what little he had. Giving to poor parishioners round aboutFrom his own goods and Easter offerings. He found sufficiency in little things. This proves again that he is good-natured and loving. He is a Good Samaritan and has a compassionate soul. In the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer shows preference toward the Parson because he makes him a wholesome, well rounded, sympathetic person. The Monk, on the other hand, is disliked tremendously by Chaucer. Chaucer displays him as self-righteous, pompous, and ignorant toward the feelings of others. Chaucer shows his opinions by writing about the characters lifestyles and their personalities

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Kite Runner By F. Scott Fitzgerald example Essay Example For Students

The Kite Runner By F. Scott Fitzgerald example Essay The life we are given influences what we do, but it is up to us to decide our future.Innocence can mean purity, virginity, naivety, or lack of knowledge. These different definitions are diverse, but four characters in The Kite Runner embody one or more of these definitions of innocence: Amir, Assef, Hassan, and Sohrab. The life we are given influences what we do, but is up to us to decide our future. In The Kite Runner, we can easily identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Amir, the protagonist, grows to fit the hero archetype when he learns to be selfless and saves Sohrab. Initially, Amir is an innocent boy who acts according to the life he was given. He is privileged and a Pashtun, and his actions reflect these qualities. Amir grows and learns how to be independant and how to be someone who can be depended upon. Amir starts his quest of redemption when he returns to Afghanistan. He wants â€Å"to be good again† (2). We will write a custom essay on The Kite Runner By F. Scott Fitzgerald example specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now On his quest, Amir faces many challenges that could easily force a man to give up. He has a life in America which could be destroyed because of the dangers of Afghanistan. Memories of his past sins keep coming back during his quest, but ultimately, he becomes the hero and goes on this perilous journey, knowing he may not be able to finish the quest. His new found courage also fits Amir into the warrior archetype. He had to sacrifice his safety to fight for Sohrab’s freedom and redeem himself. As the hero of the story, Amir is a figure that readers have a strong bond with. They rally for him or criticize his actions, but in the end they want him to succeed. Maybe a bit too long. Good ideas though and Memories of his past may be repetitive create a sentence before jumping into assef to create smooth transition. .eone who he could trust and put his faith in. He trusts Amir enough to ask him: â€Å"Will God put me in hell for what I did to that man?† (318). This shows that he is still innocent despite all he has been through. Very quickly, however, whatever innocence he had left was again robbed. Amir promised Sohrab he would not put Sohrab in an orphanage again, but later tells Sohrab that he may have to stay at an orphanage. The one person Sohrab thought he could count on betrayed him, and he just could not take it anymore. (yes but explain how explain perspective) It is devastating that a child could be harmed and abused so badly to a point where they would turn to suicide as their only option to release them from their suffering. Although Amir tried to rescue Sohrab from suffering, he happened to be the final straw. (bit more commentary and smoother transitions and you got it)